Our story goes back to August 2013, when we were freshmen at NYU.

During Welcome Week, Alsace made it a point to introduce herself to all of her floormates. Within the first two days, she had successfully met them all—except one.

Paul got to NYU’s campus a few days late. He had been seeing his grandparents off as they moved from Canada to India, and was excited to start the college experience.

Eventually, Alsace managed to track down this elusive last floormate, and it turned out that Paul lived directly across from her. Though neither of us can quite remember the very first time we met, we also can’t quite remember what life was like before.

Since then, we’ve lived in New York City and now Los Angeles. We’ve even started our own little family by rescuing Simba and Milo.

Now, almost 11 years since we met on the 12th floor, we’re getting married.

And we would love for you to celebrate with us!

In Alsace’s dorm, before we were dating…

…to engaged, in front of the same dorm